We need to test our certification process worlwide, so we need you!
MyID.is trying to answer a simple question, how can we provide our users with a digital ID that have been certified with the same level of trust as if we met in real life with a valid ID delivered by a governement administration but without the need to actually meet in real life?
By certifying your ID you’ll be able to certify all of your online presence, such as your blogs, your Facebook, LinkedIn… profiles, your comments,… and any kind of online presence that is part of your Identity 2.0.
After months of developping our solution, we are now ready to open our plateform to the public.
We lost a lot of time, energy and money because of one of our partner
that was unfortunatly more than incompetent. So we had to find a new
way to certify our user’s ID. Sadly it’s not as user friendly as we
were supposed to do it, but it’s the same level of security. And we
need to test it worldwide!
Note for users from outside the EURO zone: you’ll
be asked to find on your bank statement a random amount between €2
and €5 in order to complete the first step of your certification
process, this amount will appears in your transaction label on your
bank statement. It’ll start with MYID.IS.
The Amount you need to find is the one in EUROS not the one in your local money!
So if you wanna be part of this pre-alpha test, just DM me on http://www.twitter.com/myid and I’ll send you an invitation code.
Thank you all for your help.